Crypto Options: A Fresh Opportunity for Stock Options Investors

Crypto Options

As the financial world evolves, stock options investors are increasingly curious about the potential of crypto options. While stock and crypto options share some basic mechanics, the two asset classes diverge in several ways, creating unique opportunities for those open to trying both. Here, we’ll explore how crypto options differ from stock options, three reasons […]

Top 2 Options Strategy for a Market Downturn

What to do in a Market Downturn

During a market downturn, investors may face losses as the value of their holdings. However, downturns also present opportunities for experienced investors to hedge risks or even profit from falling asset prices through various strategies, including options trading. What is a Market Downturn? A market downturn refers to a sustained period where the prices of […]


Underlying Assets in Options

In order to master options trading in the cryptoverse, understanding the concept of underlying assets is critical. These assets form the backbone of options contracts, allowing investors to profit from price fluctuations or to hedge against their investments. But what exactly are underlying assets in crypto options, and which ones are currently available on the […]

Binary Options vs Traditional Options: You Will Be Impressed By These 4 Ultimate Differences

Binary Options vs Traditional Options

While binary options and traditional options may seem similar at first glance, they cater to different types of traders with varying levels of expertise and risk tolerance. Binary options are the “quick and dirty” choice—simple and fast, but they’re a “double-edged sword,” carrying high risks and often flying under the radar of regulation. It’s a […]

What is Strike Price? Why DBOE Uses Price Range instead of Strike Price

If you are interested in the world of options trading and finance in general, it is essential for both experienced investors and newcomers to understand key and basic concepts such as strike price. Traditionally, the strike price has been a fundamental component in options contracts but recently there have been advanced features produced to solve […]

Understanding Options Greeks in Crypto Trading

Options Greeks

Options Greeks  are essential calculations used in the financial world to measure the sensitivity of an options contract price to various parameters. Each Greek targets a specific parameter, such as time decay, volatility, or interest rates, impacting option premiums in unique ways. The most commonly utilized Greeks in options trading are delta, gamma, theta, vega, […]

DBOE Integrates Chainlink Price Feeds and Automation to Help Secure DeFi Circuit Breaker

We’re excited to announce that DBOE has integrated Chainlink Price Feeds and Chainlink Automation on Polygon mainnet. By integrating the industry-leading decentralized computing platform, DBOE has access to high-quality, tamper-proof price feeds and automation infrastructure needed to help implement a robust options final settlement procedure, real-timing price calculation, as well as a safety measure—a circuit […]

DBOE Officially Launches Next-Gen Spot DEX and Joins Chainlink BUILD Program

DeFi Board Options Exchange (DBOE) is thrilled to announce two significant milestones aimed at enhancing its ecosystem and empowering users worldwide. These developments include the launch of DBOE’s Next-Generation Spot DEX and the participation in the industry-standard Chainlink BUILD program. DBOE Launches the Next-Gen Spot DEX with the Innovative On-Chain Order Book With a clear vision to […]

DBOE, a Fully Decentralized Exchange, Joins Chainlink BUILD

We’re thrilled to announce that DBOE is officially joining the Chainlink BUILD program. As a part of BUILD, we aim to accelerate ecosystem growth and long-term adoption of our fully decentralized exchange by gaining enhanced access to Chainlink’s industry-leading offerings including Chainlink Price Feeds and CCIP, along with expert technical support.

We’re thrilled to announce that DBOE is officially joining the Chainlink BUILD program. As a part of BUILD, we aim to accelerate ecosystem growth and long-term adoption of our fully decentralized exchange by gaining enhanced access to Chainlink’s industry-leading offerings including Chainlink Price Feeds and CCIP, along with expert technical support. In exchange for such […]