What is Portfolio Management? 3 Ways to Use Options to Manage Risk More Effectively and Diversify Your Portfolio?

What is Portfolio Management

According to Investopedia, portfolio management is the art and science of making decisions about investment mix and policy, matching investments to objectives, and balancing risk against performance. The goal is to maximize returns at an acceptable level of risk by diversifying the types of cryptos you hold, managing them continuously, and making adjustments as markets and personal circumstances change.


Understanding Portfolio Management

Portfolio management involves a variety of activities, including asset allocation, investment selection, and ongoing monitoring. The main goal is to achieve the investor’s desired return while minimizing exposure to risk. 

Key Concepts in Portfolio Management

  1. Asset Allocation: This involves dividing an investment portfolio among different categories, such as Defi, RWA, Gamefi, and Meme, etc. The proportion of each depends on your financial goals, time horizon, and risk tolerance. 

Example: If you prioritize risk management you can divide your portfolio into 4 different categories. 30% for stablecoins for DCA (Dollar Cost Averaging) in case of bad market scenarios, 50% on top coins like Bitcoin or Ethereum and 15% for Layer 2s like Arbitrum or Optimism and only 5% for Put options as insurance.

    1. Risk Management: Identifying, analyzing, and addressing the risks associated with the investment process is crucial. You can manage risk by diversifying your portfolio and using various strategies such as options.
    2. Rebalancing: Over time, the performance of investments in a portfolio may cause the original asset allocation to change. Portfolio managers regularly rebalance to bring the portfolio back in line with the desired risk-return profile.
  • Hedging: It’s common for a portfolio to experience price declines from time to time. A popular hedging strategy is using options, especially when analytics are shown concerned about or anticipating a potential drop in value.

Using Options to Manage Risk More Effectively

Options are financial instruments that give investors the right, but not the obligation, to buy or sell an asset at a predetermined price before or on a specific date. They are often used in portfolio management to hedge against risk, generate income, and achieve more targeted exposure to specific sectors or assets.

  1. Hedging Risk

One of the most common uses of options in crypto investing is hedging, which involves taking a position that offsets potential losses in another investment. For example:

  • Protective Put: If you hold a cryptocurrency like Bitcoin or Ethereum but are concerned about a potential price drop, you can buy a put option. This gives you the right to sell your cryptocurrency at a predetermined price, limiting your losses if the market declines.
  • Short Call: If you own a cryptocurrency that is expected (due to your analysis)  to remain relatively stable (price go sideways), you can short call options against your holdings to generate extra income. This is a conservative strategy where you sell the right to buy your crypto at a higher price, earning a premium. But make sure that at the time of expiration the price of the underlying crypto won’t exceed the strike price of the options contract you short.
  1. Income Generation

Selling crypto options can be an effective way to generate extra income. The premiums received from selling options can provide a consistent income stream, but this strategy requires careful risk management to avoid significant losses.

For example, by shorting calls on crypto you already own, you earn a premium while agreeing to sell the cryptocurrency if it rises to the strike price. As long as the price doesn’t rise above the strike price, you keep both the asset and the premium. And after that you can use the premium to buy more crypto with a better position.

  1. Enhancing Diversification

Crypto options can also help enhance portfolio diversification by providing exposure to various digital assets without having to buy them outright. For example, purchasing options on altcoins, stablecoins, or crypto indexes allows investors to gain exposure to different sectors of the crypto market without taking on the full risk of ownership.

Options allow for targeted exposure to specific market events or trends, reducing the need to commit large sums of capital to individual coins and still benefit from price volatility.

How DBOE Options Can Improve Portfolio Management

Managing your portfolio means spreading investments across different assets to reduce overall risk along with hedging your portfolio in sensitive events. DBOE offers several options advantages when managing:

  • Wide Range of Underlying Assets: DBOE offers a diverse range of options including 5 of the 6 major options pairs.
  • OB (On – chain Order Book): Ensure transparency and fairness, increase security.
  • Price Range instead of Strike Price: Help investors to manage their risk more effectively
  • User-Friendly Interface: DBOE’s platform is designed to make trading options intuitive and accessible for everyone, from beginners to advanced traders.
  • Lowest requirements: Investors can start buy and sell their options from just $0.5

DBOE offers all the tools and features you need to navigate the world of crypto options with confidence. Whether you’re looking to hedge your crypto portfolio or profit on market movements from a small capital, DBOE is the perfect platform to support your investment goals.

Learn step-by-step on how to trade options on DBOE now!

Start your options trading journey with DBOE today at: https://dboe.exchange/ 

or https://download.dboe.exchange/ on mobile.

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Disclaimer: The information in this article is not intended as investment advice. Cryptocurrency investment activities are not legally recognized or protected in some countries. Cryptocurrencies always involve financial risks.

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