Gặp gỡ Vladimir Barzov: Thiên tài toán học từng 3 lần nhận huy chương vàng Toán Quốc tế – Cố vấn chuyên môn sàn DBOE

DBOE (DeFi Board Options Exchange) bằng phương pháp dàn trải giá thông minh đã giúp giải quyết những khó khăn về việc đưa quyền chọn đầy đủ và hoàn chỉnh lên thị trường crypto. Với mức phí vào loại rẻ nhất, tốc độ và cách sử dụng nhanh, đơn giản nhất, DBOE trở thành dự […]

Introducing the Bulgarian Mathematician who Advises DBOE on the Intersection of Math, Technology, and Finance

DBOE, a prominent Option DEX initiative, is delighted to announce the appointment of distinguished mathematician Vladimir Barzov to its esteemed advisory team. Leveraging his exceptional proficiency at the convergence of mathematics, technology, and finance, Barzov assumes a pivotal role in shaping the trajectory of DBOE’s decentralised option trading platform. DBOE is an Option DEX project […]

All You Need to Know about DBOE Crypto Options

Overview DBOE is a decentralized options trading platform that enables users to trade options contracts on a peer-to-peer basis without intermediaries or centralized exchanges. The project aims to provide a decentralized and transparent options trading platform that is accessible to anyone with an internet connection and an Ethereum wallet.  What cryptocurrencies can be traded on […]

Crypto Options Intrinsic Value & Time Value: Understanding the Concept

The concept of intrinsic value has been a critical aspect of traditional financial markets, such as stocks and bonds, for decades. It is a fundamental concept in derivatives trading, and its importance has only grown in recent years with the advent of cryptocurrencies. In this article, we will explore the concept of intrinsic value in […]

Options Trading Made Simple: Key Factors Affecting Option Premium

Key Factors Affect Options Premium

Before plunging into the world of options contracts, every trader and investor should have a strong understanding of option premiums because it is a crucial part of options trading that may significantly impact their profitability. In this article, we will provide an in-depth exploration of the fascinating world of option pricing, and delve into the […]

Event: How to Master Options

Weekly Prizes To help players and investors to learn and master their trading strategies, DBOE Academy has officially launched a weekly contest on How to Master Options event (HMO). Users will get access to live transactions on the Mainnet platform, which will be 100% real-time which allow them to feel the fluctuations of ETH coins […]

Applying Chainalysis’s Solution to KYT (Know Your Transaction), DBOE Exchange complies with AML and improves credibility and trust with users like never before

On October 19, 2022 in Singapore, DBOE (DeFi Board Options Exchange) officially announced that it will cooperate with Chainalysis, applying KYT (Know Your Transaction) solution to enhance security. confidentiality, strengthening the trust of users as well as partners and investors. ABOUT CHAINLYSIS Chainalysis is a digital asset industry leader in Blockchain data analysis, headquartered in […]

Chainalysis のソリューションを KYT (Know Your Transaction) に適用することで、DBOE Exchange は AML に準拠し、これまでになく信頼性とユーザーとの信頼を向上させます。

2022 年 10 月 19 日、シンガポールの DBOE (DeFi Board Options Exchange) は、Chainalysis と協力し、KYT (Know Your Transaction) ソリューションを適用してセキュリティと機密性を強化し、ユーザー、パートナー、投資家の信頼を強化することを正式に発表しました。 チェーンリシスについて Chainalysis は、米国ニューヨークに本社を置くブロックチェーン データ分析のデジタル資産業界のリーダーです。 2014 年に設立された Chainalysis は現在、70 か国以上に 700 を超える顧客を抱え、収益は毎年倍増しています。同社は、「ブロックチェーンへの信頼を築き、より少ないリスクで経済的自由を促進する」という使命を確認しています。 Chainalysis は、世界中の暗号通貨犯罪に関連する多くの調査で重要な役割を果たしています。チェイナリシスのグローバル・マーケッツの最高技術責任者(CTO)であるGurvais Grigg氏は、次のように断言しています。それ以前は、この CTO は FBI にも 23 年間勤務していました。 Chainalysis は、世界中の多くの有名なサイバー犯罪事件を解決してきました。この会社が扱った大規模な取引のいくつかは、米国政府がシルクロードに関連する 10 億ドル以上を回収するのに役立ちました。 2019 年、Chainalysis は、児童の性的虐待に関連する世界最大の Web サイトである Welcome to Video の「正体を明らかにする」のにも役立ちました。 特に、2021 年 8 月、Chainalysis は、仮想通貨の受け入れに関して、ベトナムを世界最大の国として認識しました […]

Menerapkan Solusi Chainalysis ke KYT (Know Your Transaction), DBOE Exchange mematuhi AML dan meningkatkan kredibilitas dan kepercayaan dengan pengguna yang belum pernah ada sebelumnya

Pada 19 Oktober 2022 di Singapura, DBOE (DeFi Board Options Exchange) secara resmi mengumumkan akan bekerja sama dengan Chainalysis, menerapkan solusi KYT (Know Your Transaction) untuk meningkatkan keamanan, kerahasiaan, memperkuat kepercayaan pengguna serta mitra dan investor. TENTANG CHAINLYSIS Chainalysis adalah pemimpin industri aset digital dalam analisis data Blockchain, yang berkantor pusat di New York, AS. […]